I had a test to take for my certification this last weekend. Usually with standardized tests I have 30 mins left over. That was the case with this test as well. Unfortunately I was not allowed to bring any other materials than pencils and a pen. Fortunately I was nudged by the Holy Spirit to spend that time doing something I so often forget - Pray.
While praying I reflected on you and my relationship with you. I thought about how you are in a difficult stage of life because you're testing all your limits to see where our boundaries as your parents lay. I thought about how all I want sometimes is for you to give me a hug, a kiss, or even just to look at me and you choose not to do these things. Then I thought about how that rang so true with my own relationship with God. How much I am just like a toddler.
All God wants from us is a relationship with Him. He desires our love for Him just like I desire your love for me. I laugh to myself because yet again, my wonderful year and half old son, you have taught me about God.
I love you ECT, never stop teaching me and showing me God in you.