Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Morning Person

If you had met me in high school, you'd know I'm not a morning person.
If you had met me in college you'd know I'm not a morning person - in fact you'd probably think I was nocturnal.
If you had met me in my first year of marriage, you'd know I still did not enjoy mornings, although I saw a lot more of them then.

Once I met you, I learned what mornings were all about. I'd rather go to bed at 10 and get up at 6 then stay up all night long. I'd rather wake up and start the day with you.

Ethan Clyde Taylor, you have changed me in so many ways it's indescribable. These are good changes too, you have made me become a better person. You've taught me lessons I think God's been trying to get through to me forever - like how to have patience and not be self-centered. You really are a gift from God. He knew exactly what He was doing - like He always does :) - when He gave me you.

I love you son.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bills ... Bills ... Bills

"Dad, I don't want to wear your hat!"



"Hark! Who is that I hear calling?" LOL

We got the last of the hospital bills today ... man is it expensive to birth a baby! Luckily insurance covered the majority of it - except on one bill. It's tough for us being in our financial position we're in and trying to decide how to handle the costs. Not even this though makes me wish you weren't here. I don't care the cost, you're too precious to me!

It's like people have said to us after seeing you, how can anyone purposely hurt something as small and precious as a newborn - or even a little older than that! Like I said in my last post, you amaze me at all the things you do and you have shown me another side of God that I've never experienced before.

I may feel angry about our situation, I may want to cry and yell and scream, but one look at you and I just want to curl up with you and ignore the rest of the world. You bring me such joy and peace. You really are a blessing from God.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

One Month

One Month ... 28 days ... 664 hours (if my math is correct) spent taking care of you.

You've changed my life in so many ways - all of them good. I wouldn't trade any minute of the last month. You've taught me patience. You've shown me a deeper side to love and a deeper side of God.

You've also robbed us of sleep and some peace due to lack of sleep - but you've helped us grow to understand each other and our needs more.

We spent our first day away from you last Saturday - two days before you turned 1 month - it was the hardest thing for me personally as I haven't been away from you since they first placed you in my arms (other than sleeping and daddy occasionally taking you to work so I can get some more sleep ... but I don't count the moments I'm not awake because I don't have to put up with you not being there). It felt like such a long day. I did not like being free, I kept looking for you to be by my side. It drove me nuts knowing you weren't anywhere near me.

1 day old
1 month and 3 days old